
- Chapter 8 of the "IBM System/32 Functions Reference Manual"
  IBM Document GA21-9176-1
  Second Edition: May 1975

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE. Posted to comp.os.cpm.amethyst by
Roche 07 May 2005.)

Chapter 8. Diskette drive functions

The  IBM System/32 diskette drive has a single head for reading  and
The diskette supports two primary system functions:

      - Data   interchange,   using  the  IBM  diskette  for   standard

      - Storing data from the disk to save it for future use, then loading
        back into the system at a later time when needed for a job.

Physical characteristics

Only  one side of the diskette is used. The diskette surface is  divided into
tracks.  Each  diskette surface contains 77 tracks; track 00  is  the outside
track and track 76 is the inside track.

Figure  8-1. Standard interchange diskette surface recording arrangement
(not "retyped")

Of  the  77 tracks, only 75 are normally used. Track 00  contains  the volume
label; tracks 1-74 are primary tracks used to contain data records. Tracks 75
and  76  are available for data storage in the event that one or  two  of the
primary data tracks become defective.

For  standard data interchange, each track is divided into 26 sectors (Figure
8-1). Each sector is 128 bytes long, so it is possible to store 242,944 bytes
of information on tracks 1-73. Data can be stored on track 74 of a diskette in
the  standard  data interchange format, allowing for the  storage  of 246,272
bytes of data on the diskette, if the data on track 74 is to be read only by
a System/32.

On diskettes in the extended format, track 00 is divided into 26 sectors, but
each  remaining  track  is  divided into eight  512-byte  sectors,  making it
possible to store 303,104 bytes of information on tracks 1-74.

The  data  stored in each sector is called a record.  Therefore,  because the
diskette is formatted into tracks and sectors, each record on the diskette has
a  definite  address  consisting of a track number  and  sector  number. This
address  is  recorded  at  the record's physical  location  on  the diskette.
Diskettes  that contain prerecorded record addresses are known as initialized
diskettes; each record consists of an ID field and a data field.

Rotational  speed of the diskette drive is 360 +/- 2.5% RPM. The nominal data
transfer  rate of the diskette drive is 31,250 bytes per second. The diskette
drive reads 128-byte records from a diskette and writes 128-byte records to
a diskette at the following rates:

        Using diskettes in the          Using diskettes in the
        Standard interchange format     Extended format

Reads   Up to 3,400 records per minute  Up to 4,100 records per minute

Writes  Up to 1,800 records per minute  Up to 2,200 records per minute

Record format

|      |      |     |    |     |      |      | AM2 | DATA \ ... |     |
| GAP1 | SYNC | AM1 | ID | CRC | GAP2 | SYNC |  or |  or   \    | CRC | GAP1
|      |      |     |    |     |      |      | AM3 | CONTROL\   |     |

Format: Field

The gap between the data field and the next record. It is variable length and
contains all 1's.

A  6-byte  field  of 0's which synchronizes the  hardware  circuits  prior to
reading the information from the diskette.

A  single-byte identifier field address mark which identifies the ID data and
contains hex FE.

A 4-byte associate sector address in the format CHRN, where:

    C = Cylinder address.
        Valid one-byte binary addresses are:

                Decimal = 00-76
                Hex     = 00-4C

    H = One-byte binary head address.
        The valid address is X'00'.

    R = One-byte binary record address.
        Valid addresses are:

                        Standard interchange format     Extended format
                Decimal         01-26                   01-08
                Hex             X'01'-X'1A'             X'01'-X'08'

    N = One-byte record length indicator used in the record length algorithm:
        128 x 2 to the power of N.
        N  is  hex 00 for standard 128-byte records, or hex  02  for 512-byte

A  2-byte cyclic redundancy check field which verifies that the ID  field and
data  field  were read correctly. The system generates these  bytes  during a
write  operation and automatically performs a read-back check  to verifytheir

Interrecord  gap between the ID field and the data field. It contains  hex FF
and is generated by the system during write operations.

AM2 or AM3
A 1-byte field containing either X'FB' or X'F8'. X'FB' is a data field address
marker (AM2) that identifies subsequent information as a data field. X'F8' is
a  control field address marker (AM3) that indicates that the following field
contains control data.

The  length  of  this field is specified by the record  length  indicator (N)
contained  in  the ID field. The System/32 record length of  128  bytes (N=0)
conforms  to  the  specifications  of  the  IBM  diskette  for  standard data

Figure 8-2. Diskette IOB format

Format: Displacement of leftmost byte in hex
        IBM program label
        Length in bytes
        Field description

This is the sector address of the last sector accessed.

This is the diskette completion code (in hex).
   40 = Successful completion.
   41 = Permanent I/O error.
   42 = End of volume.
   43 = Drawer is opened, but diskette has same volume-ID.
   45 = Bad sector not fixed by user.
   47 = Stand-alone  version of |1IOS or drawer is opened but volume label is
        invalid or volume ID not the same.
   49 = Unsupported control record.

This is the Q-byte (in hex).
   D0 = Seek.
   D1 = Read data.
   D2 = Read ID.
   D4 = Read data/CAM.
        (D and F control records are not squeezed out as in |1PRD.)
   D5 = Write data.
   D6 = Write control address marks.
   D7 = Write ID.

This is the R-byte (in hex).
   80 = Seek after.
   00 = Null.

This is the sector address.

This is the number of sectors, minus 1, involved in data transfer.

This is the data buffer address.

Sense bytes 0 and 1.

 Byte 0 (in hex).
   80 = Missing data address mark (two consecutive AMs found).
   40 = CRC found in ID field.
   20 = CRC found in data field.
   10 = Cylinder byte in ID miscompare.
   08 = Head byte in ID miscompare.
   04 = Record byte in ID miscompare.
   02 = Length byte in ID miscompare.
   01 = First ID is found (no error).

 Byte 1 (in hex).
   80 = Due to prior condition, no action attempted.
   40 = Invalid control record found (not D or F).
   20 = Lines to |1 were not set/read correctly.
   10 = Control record(s) squeezed out.
   08 = Physical cylinder number greater than 76.
   04 = Reserved.
   02 = Reserved.
   01 = Reserved.

Sense bytes 2 and 3.

 Byte 2 (in hex).
   80 = |1 index pulses too close together.
   40 = |1 index pulses too far apart.
   20 = End-of-cylinder found (not tested).
   10 = No IDs on track.
   08 = Read overrun.

   02 = Write overrun.
   01 = Write parity check.

 Byte 3 (in hex).
   80 = Head loaded.
   40 = Low gate current set.
   20 = Write gate on.
   10 = Erase gate on.
   08 = Seek to track 3 or 0 on.
   04 = Seek to track 0 or 1 on.
   02 = Seek to track 1 or 2 on.
   01 = Seek to track 2 or 3 on.

This is the error retry count.

This is the flag byte.
        Bit On  Meaning
        ------  -------
           0    No ERPs attempted.
           1    Automatic error display and correction allowed.
           2    No error logging.
           3    Allow seek past logical cylinder 74 (to 75 or 76).
           4    Do not return to user program if ERP completion
                code is |1COMPER, |1NOTFIX, or |1INVCAM.


This is the sector size.

This is a save area for XR2.

This is a save area for the ARR.

This is the DTF address.

Diskette drive operating characteristics

The  program  must  build  a diskette IOB (Figure  8-2)  to  control diskette
operations. Diskettes perform most efficiently if programs use sequential data
organization,  which  is  normally used for data  interchange  and  data file
save/restore  functions. The system performs seek, read, and write  which are
typical  direct  access storage device functions. Diskette  input  and output
operations cannot be overlapped with any other system function.

Diskette control fields and data fields

Before  issuing a seek, read, or write instruction, the program  usually must
initialize  the diskette control fields and data fields. These  fields, which
can be located anywhere in main storage, are addressed by the control address
register (CAR) and data address register (DAR), respectively.

Control field

The 5-byte control field (CHRNX) is used to specify:

      - For a seek operation, the destination track address (00-76 or hex FF);
        the  cylinder address of hex FF specifies a recalibrate operation. H,
        R, N, and X are not used for a seek operation.

      - For  a  seek,  read-data-and-control-record,  write-data,  or write-
        control-address-mark operation:
              C is the destination cylinder for the automatic seek.
              R is the starting record number.
              N is the number of bytes per record (128 x 2 to the power of N).
            X+1 is the number of records to be accessed.

Before processing any data field, the system compares the CHRN portion of the
control  field  and the corresponding portion of the identifier field  of the
record  read.  This process is called orientation. If  orientation  cannot be
done, the system turns on the no-orient status bit (status byte 2, bit 3).

As  instruction execution proceeds, the system modifies the R- and X-bytes of
the control field after each record is successfully processed; this maintains
a log of instruction execution for error recovery procedures.

The  program must load the address of the leftmost byte of the  control field
into the control address register prior to instruction execution.

The control field (CHRNX) has the following meaning:

      - C (cylinder number) is a 1-byte address; valid decimal addresses are 0
        through 76. Cylinder addresses 77-254 set the invalid cylinder address
        (byte 1, bit 4); cylinder address 255 specifies recalibrate. This byte
        is not changed during execution unless a cylinder boundary is crossed
        during   a   read-data,  write-data,   or write-control address-mark

        Note: For this device, the term cylinder and track are synonymous.

      - H (head number) is a 1-byte address; the only valid decimal address is
        0. This byte remains unchanged during command execution.

      - R (record number) is a 1-byte binary address that specifies the first
        record  to  be processed in a single-record  or  multiple-record data
        operation. Decimal record numbers 1 through 26 are valid for standard
        interchange  diskettes,  1 through 8 for  extended  format diskettes;
        invalid record numbers set the record-mismatch status bit (byte 0, bit
        5). The system increments the record number by 1 after each record is
        processed if a not-ready/unit-check condition is not detected.

      - N  (record length indicator) is a 1-byte binary number that indicates
        the  physical record length. N must be 0 for 128-byte records,  2 for
        512-byte   records.  This  byte  remains  unchanged   during command

      - X (number of records) is a 1-byte binary number plus 1 that specifies
        the number of records to be processed; the system decrements this byte
        by  1  after  each  record  is  processed  if  a not-ready/unit-check
        condition  is  not  detected. If the system does not  find  a control
        record during a read-data operation, this byte is not decremented.

Data field

The  system transfers data to the data field during read operations, and from
the  data  field during write operations. The data field is addressed  by the
leftmost  byte  and  can  be located arbitrarily in  main  storage.  Prior to
instruction  execution, the program must load the data field address into the
data  address register. For a read-data, read-data-and-control-record, write-
data, or write-control-address-mark operation, the record length indicator and
the  number  of  records to be processed determine the data  field  length as

        Data field length = (X + 1) 128 X 2 to the power of N

where X and N come from the control field CHRNX.

Control address register

This 2-byte field in control storage contains the address of the leftmost byte
of  the  control field. The control address register must  be  initialized by
load-diskette-control-field-address-register instruction, and is not modified
during command execution.

Data address register

This  2-byte  field in control storage contains the address of the  data byte
following the last data field byte accessed. It is initialized to the address
of  the  leftmost  byte of the data field before the data  field  is  used to
execute  an instruction. The data address register changes after a  record is
transferred and no errors are found.

Diskette operations

Diskette seek

During  a control seek, the access mechanism is moved so that  the read/write
head is at the track address specified in the control field. The R-byte of the
seek  instruction  has  no significance. A recalibration  to  cylinder  00 is
performed  by specifying FF in the cylinder address bytes (CC) of the control

The  seek  operation  does  not check for an invalid  address  prior  to seek
verification. Instead, the system detects an invalid address or a seek failure
when it compares the control field and record ID field during the next read or
write operation.

A  single-track seek has some unique functional characteristics  that improve
save/restore  performance. A single-track seek command requires a  maximum of
170.83  ms to execute and considerably decreases the time required  to handle
the following diskette read or write instruction.

A seek beyond a single track seek requires a maximum of 106 + 53 ms SD. Where
SD  means  seek  displacement in tracks. Recalibrate  time  is  4.346 seconds

Read data

This  operation  initiates  an automatic seek to  the  logical  track address
specified  in  the  control field and then, beginning  at  the  record number
specified in the control field, reads X+1 records into contiguous positions of
the data field addressed by the data address register. When a flagged track is
encountered,  an automatic seek to the next record is executed. A  maximum of
three automatic seeks are attempted before the operation is terminated.

If the end of a cylinder is encountered before X+1 records have been accessed,
an  automatic  seek  to  record  1 of the  next  track  occurs  and execution

Read data and control record

This  operation  is very similar to the read-data operation. It initiates an
automatic  seek to the logical track address specified in the  control field,
and  then  reads  X+1  records into contiguous positions  of  the  data field
addressed by the data address register. The system reads the records beginning
at  the record number specified within the control field. Whenever the system
encounters  a  flagged  track, it seeks the next record. The  system  tries a
maximum of three automatic seeks before termination of the operation.

If  the  system encounters the end of cylinder before X+1  records  have been
accessed,  it  executes an automatic seek to record 1 of the  next  track and
continues with the operation.

There is one difference between this operation and the read-data operation. In
this command, if a control address mark is detected, the system sets control-
address-mark  status (byte 1, bit 3) (this bit cannot be tested by a TIO) and
reads  the  control  record data field into the data  field  in  main storage
regardless  of the control character in the first position of the record data

For multiple record operations, the system alters the control field when each
record  is read. The record number (R) is incremented by 1 and the  number of
records  to  be accessed (X) is decremented by 1. If a  cylinder  boundary is
crossed,  the  cylinder number is increased by one and the  record  number is
reset to 1.

The record number (R) is incremented by 1 and number of records to be accessed
(X)  is  decremented by 1 as each record is read. If a  cylinder  boundary is
crossed, the cylinder number (C) also increases by 1 and the record number is
reset to 1. The rest of the control field does not change.

Note:  If a control address mark (hex F8) is detected and the first character
in the data field is not hex C4 or C6 (alpha D or F), the system posts invalid
control record status (byte 1, bit 1) and control address mark (byte 1, bit 3)
and ends the read operation. If an alphabetic D or F is in the first position
of  the  data  field,  the system ignores that  record  and  reads subsequent

Read ID (Identifier)

This  operation  initiates the recovery of a single 4-byte  identifier field,
CHRN, from the current selected track. The system places the first identifier
read  without  error in the data field at the address specified  in  the data
address register. If no ID on the current track can be read successfully, the
system posts the no-orient status (byte 2, bit 3).

No automatic seek occurs, and the control field remains unchanged.

Note:  If a defect appears in an ID field, your program can delete the entire
track  by writing a defective track identifier in all records on that track.
This  ID is CHRN = hex FFFFFFFF. All track information, including  ID fields,
must be put on the next-higher-numbered track.

Write/verify data

This  operation  initiates  an automatic seek to the  logical  track adddress
specified in the control field and writes X+1 records obtained from contiguous
positions  of the data field addressed by the data address  register. Records
are written beginning at the record number specified within the control field.
Whenever  the  system encounters a flagged track, it automatically  seeks the
next  track.  A  maximum of three automatic seeks  are  attempted  before the
operation  is terminated. Each record is 128 or 512 bytes long and is written
in accordance with the record format described in "Diskette control fields and
data  fields"  in  this chapter. At the same time, the system  writes  a data
address mark (hex FB) in the byte immediately preceding the data field in the

Data verification automatically occurs during the next diskette revolution.

If  the  system encounters the end of cylinder before X+1  records  have been
accessed, an automatic seek to record 1 of the next track occurs and execution

The system increments by 1 and decrements the number of records to be accessed
by 1 as each record is written. If a cylinder boundary is crossed, the system
also increments the cylinder number by 1 and sets the record number to 01. The
system does not change the rest of the control field.

Write/verify control address mark

This  operation  is very similar to a write-data operation.  It  initiates an
automatic seek to the logical track address specified in the control field  and
then  writes X+1 records obtained from contiguous positions of the data field
addressed by the data address register. Records are written, beginning at the
record number specified within the control field. The only difference between
this  operation  and the write-data operation is that a control  address mark
(hex  F8) is written in the byte immediately preceding the data field  in the
record. The data field of each record written is 128 or 512 bytes long and is
written  in  accordance  with the record format  reference.  When  the system
encounters  a flagged track, an automatic seek to the next track  occurs. The
system  attempts  a  maximum  of  three  automatic  seeks  before  ending the

Data verification occurs during the next diskette revolution.

If the end of a cylinder is encountered before X+1 records have been accessed,
an  automatic  seek  to  record  1 of the  next  track  occurs  and execution

The control field remains unchanged except for the record number and number of
records  to  be accessed during multiple record operations; these  values are
incremented  by  1  and  decremented by 1, respectively,  as  each  record is
written.  If  a cylinder boundary is crossed, the system adds 1  to  both the
cylinder number and sets the record number to 01.

Write/verify ID (Identifier)

The write-ID/verify operation initiates the writing of a full track of data in
accordance  with the record format described in "Diskette control  fields and
data fields" in this chapter.

The  system  forces the record number in the control field to 1  so  that the
first  record written after the index point is record 1. The system generates
subsequent record numbers by incrementing the record number byte by 1 as each
record  is written. Data for each record data field is obtained from the same
128-byte  or 512-byte data field in main storage. The system writes an entire
128-byte or 512-byte data field from storage for each disk record written.

Data verification automatically occurs during the next diskette revolution.

The  record number is the only byte in the control field that changes;  it is
decimal 26 or 8 at the end of the operation.

Note: Write ID is intended to be used for track initialization procedures. If
the  cylinder  portion of the CHRN field is specified as hex  FF,  the record
number  portion  is not incremented during write-ID execution. This  writes a
defective track identifier field equal to hex FFFFFFFF. During automatic data
verification,  length-mismatch and no-orient status are set.  ID verification
should be performed by the read-ID instruction.

Check condition and status information

Refer to Figure 8-3 for a summary of diskette operations, diskette indicators
set, and suggested restart procedures.

Format: Bit

Status byte 0

"Missing  data  address  mark" indicates that a data  address  marker  is not
detected  after  an  ID field. The next diskette  operation  or  system reset
operation resets this bit.

"ID CRC" indicates a cyclic redundancy check noncompare in an ID field:

      - When the searching for an ID field and orientation can not be achieved

      - After initial orientation, when a subsequent ID CRC is detected.

The next diskette operation or system reset operation resets this bit.

"Data  CRC" indicates a cyclic redundancy check noncompare in the  data field
after initial record orientation. The next diskette operation or system reset
operation resets this bit.

"Cylinder mismatch" indicates a mismatch between the cylinder address portion
of  the ID field and the control field during an ID search. This bit is reset
prior to diskette I/O instruction execution or by a system reset operation.

"Head  mismatch" indicates a mismatch between the head address portion of the
ID field and the control field during an ID search. This bit is reset prior to
the next diskette operation or by the next system reset operation.

"Record  mismatch" indicates that no match between the record address portion
of  any ID field and the control field occurred during an ID search. This bit
is  reset  prior to the next diskette operation or by the  next  system reset

"Length  mismatch" indicates a mismatch between the record length  portion
the  ID  field and the control field during an ID search. This  bit  is
prior to the next diskette operation or by the next system reset operation.

This bit is reserved.

Status byte 1

"No  operation" indicates that a diskette I/O instruction cannot  be
because  of  an outstanding not-ready status. This bit is reset  by  the
diskette I/O instruction or by a system reset operation.

"Invalid control record" indicates that the leftmost byte of a control
data field contains other than an F or D control graphic. This bit is reset
a diskette I/O instruction or by system reset.

"Control  error" indicates that a low write current existed during a
write operation or write or erase gate selection was made during any
I/O  operation  except  write.  This bit is reset  prior  to  a  diskette
operation or by a system reset operation.

"Control address mark record found" indicates that a control address mark
found. This record was skipped and the next one was processed in its place
the operation was read-data and the leftmost byte of the data field
hex  D  or  F. This condition is not tested by a test  instruction.  The
diskette  read,  write,  or seek operation  resets  the
record-found bit.

"Cylinder  address invalid" indicates that the logical cylinder number in
control field exceeds 76. This bit is reset prior to a start diskette
or by a system reset operation.

"Write error" indicates that either a write overun (status byte 2, bit 6) or
write parity check (byte 2, bit 7) was detected during a write operation.
bit  is  reset  by  the next diskette I/O instruction or  by  a  system

This bit is used by the system.

This bit is used by the system.

Status byte 2

"Diskette  fast" indicates that the diskette rotates faster than  the
specified  rate  of 369 RPM, or 162.50 ms per revolution. This  bit  is
prior to the next diskette operation or by a system reset operation.

"Not ready" indicates that:
        The diskette is not inserted, or
        The door is not closed, or
        The diskette is inserted backwards, or
        The diskette unit is malfunctioning.

"Ready"  is  conditioned by a recalibrate operation if the diskette is  up
proper speed. This is the only way this bit can be reset.

This bit is unassigned.

"No  orient"  indicates that a record specified by the record address  in
control field of a data operation could not be found. This bit is reset
to the next diskette operation or by a system reset operation.

"Read  overrun"  indicates  that  the  minimum  data  transfer  rate  was
maintained during a data transfer operation from the diskette to main
This  bit is reset prior to the next diskette operation or by a  system

This bit is unassigned.

"Write  overrun"  is similar to a read overrun except that  the  minimum
transfer rate is not maintained during data transfer from main storage to
diskette.  The  next diskette read, write, or seek operation or  system
operation resets this bit.

Note:  This status bit can be sensed by the program for a  write-ID
only.  Write-error status (byte 1, bit 5) is set simultaneously;  the
can sense this bit.

"Write parity check" indicates that a mismatch between data-bus-out parity
system  generated  serial-write-data  parity  was  detected  during  a
operation.  The next diskette read, write, or seek operation or  system
operation resets this bit.

Note:  This status bit can be sensed by the program for a  write-ID
only.  Write-error status (byte 1, bit 5) is set simultaneously;  the
can sense this bit.

Status byte 3

The status bits in this byte cannot be sensed by your program. Bits 0 and
may  be on if a 1-track seek preceded the I/O operation bits 1, 2, and 3
be off. (ROCHE>? if a ... preceded the I/O operation. Then, bits... ?)

The head is loaded.

The low write current to diskette is set.

The write gate to diskette is on.

The erase gate to diskette is on.

Seek to track 3 or 0 is on.

Seek to track 0 or 1 is on.

Seek to track 1 or 2 is on.

Seek to track 2 or 3 is on.

IMPL (Initial Microprogram Load) and IPL (Initial Program Load)

IMPL  and IPL are selected by toggle switches located on the CE panel and
initiated by pressing the LOAD key located on the operator's panel.

A diskette IMPL initiates the transfer of the 4096-byte IMPL record located
track  00, record 01 into storage. This 4096-byte record is a  special
used by the system; it is never used by the programmer.

The  IPL  from the diskette is not the normal mode and is used  primarily
installing  a  new supervisor. IPL from diskette is initiated  by  the
immediately following a successful IMPL if the DEVICE SELECT switch is set
select IPL from the diskette.

Suggested diskette error recovery procedures

The recovery procedures presented in Figure 8-3 can be used to restore
operation.  The type of action necessary is determined by performing a
diskette  operation, then testing to determine which diskette status bits

Figure  8-3.  Diskette  operation ending  conditions,  status,  and

a = No-op is set by all operations except recalibrate.
b = This condition is not tested for error recovery procedure.

                      Suggested action  <-------------------------------+
     Condition set by:                                                  |
Seek                         Q-Byte D0  <--------------------------+    |
Read Data                    Q-Byte D1  <------------------------+ |    |
Read ID                      Q-Byte D2  <----------------------+ | |    |
Read Data and Control Data   Q-Byte D4  <--------------------+ | | |    |
Write Data    (Write  Cycle) Q-Byte D5  <------------------+ | | | |    |
Write Data    (Verify Cycle) Q-Byte D5  <----------------+ | | | | |    |
Write Control (Write  Cycle) Q-Byte D6  <--------------+ | | | | | |    |
Write Control (Verify Cycle) Q-Byte D6  <------------+ | | | | | | |    |
Write ID      (Write  Cycle) Q-Byte D7  <----------+ | | | | | | | |    |
Write ID      (Verify Cycle) Q-Byte D7  <--------+ | | | | | | | | |    |
                                                 | | | | | | | | | |    |
                                                 | | | | | | | | | |    |
Status Byte 0                                    | | | | | | | | | |    |
-------------                                    | | | | | | | | | |    |
                                                 | | | | | | | | | |    |
   Bit  Name                                     | | | | | | | | | |    |
   ---  ----                                     V V V V V V V V V V    V
    0   Missing data address mark               |X|X| |X| |X| |X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    1   ID CRC                                  | |X|X|X|X|X|X|X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    2   Data CRC                                | |X| |X| |X| |X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    3   Cylinder mismatch                       | |X| |X|X|X|X|X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    4   Head mismatch                           | |X| |X|X|X|X|X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    5   Record mismatch                         | |X| |X|X|X|X|X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    6   Length mismatch                         | |X| |X|X|X|X|X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    7   Not used                                | | | | | | | | | | |   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
Status Byte 1                                   | | | | | | | | | | |
-------------                                   | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
   Bit  Name                                    | | | | | | | | | | |
   ---  ----                                    | | | | | | | | | | |
    0   No op                                   |a|X| |X| |X| |X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    1   Invalid control record                  | |X| |X| | | | | | |   4
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    2   Control error                           |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    3   Control address mark record found       |b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    4   Cylinder address invalid                |X|X| |X|X|X|X|X| |X|   2
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    5   Write error                             | | | | |b|b|b|b|b|b|
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    6   Not used                                | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    7   Not used                                | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
Status Byte 2                                   | | | | | | | | | | |
-------------                                   | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
   Bit  Name                                    | | | | | | | | | | |
   ---  ----                                    | | | | | | | | | | |
    0   Diskette fast                           |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    1   Not ready                               |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|   1
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    2   Not used                                | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    3   No orient                               | |X|X|X| |X| |X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    4   Read overrun                            | |X|X|X| |X| |X| |X|   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    5   Not used                                | | | | | | | | | | |
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    6   Write overrun                           | | | | |X| |X| |X| |   3
                                                | | | | | | | | | | |
    7   Write parity check                      | | | | |X| |X| |X| |   3

Suggested action

Number  Description
------  -----------
1       1. Recalibrate.
        2. Read volume label.
        3. Check volume 1 standard and volume identification for validity.
          (If not valid issue message to insert correct diskette.)
        4. Repeat until valid diskette is inserted or until job is canceled.
        5. Post possible wrong-diskette-inserted return code.
        6. Return.

2       1. Post end-of-volume return code.
        2. Return.

3       1. Retry three times or until successful.
             a. If  not  successful, seek forward and  backward  one
                three times or until successful.
             b. If step 1a is not successful, and if the system is executing
                read data operation, evoke an automatic sector rebuild. If
                system  is  not  executing a read  data  operation,  post
                permanent-error return.
        2. Log the diskette error.
        3. Return.

4       1. Post invalid-control-record-read return code.
        2. Return.

Initialization procedures

Diskette  initialization  procedures described below guarantee  a
diskette. Basic initialization objectives are that:

      - Track 00 must be free of defects.

      - Diskettes  are  initialized in accordance with the  basic
        record  format defined in this chapter under "Diskette control
        and data fields".

      - Defective tracks are flagged defective and the ERMAP is updated.

To initialize the diskette:

  1.    Reinitialize track 00.
     a. Write  ID/verify  with  128  bytes of hex E5 in  the  data  field.
        unsuccessful, retry a maximum of two times, and if still
        go to step 3.
     b. Write  data/verify  with  128 bytes of hex 40 in the  data  field.
        unsuccessful, retry a maximum of two times, and if still
        go to step 3.

  2.    Continue to sequentially reinitialize the remainder of the diskette
        repeating step 1. (Be sure to reinitialize sectors of the
        length -- 128 bytes each or 512 bytes each.)

  3.    If track 00 cannot be successfully initialized, discard the
        If track 00 is successfully initialized and some other track is
        defective,  use  the  surface defect procedures,  flag  the
        track, and update the ERMAP.

Surface defect procedures

The  track  must be flagged as defective and the ERMAP label must  be
during  a reformatting operation if less than two tracks have been

The diskette must be discarded if track 00 is defective, or if two tracks
been flagged as defective and an additional track is found defective.